How to Take Care of Dyed Hair: Do's and Dont's Before Dying Natural Hair

The very nature of how color works has the ability to break of your hair .
Color works by forcing your hair cuticles open and depositiong color . This weakens the hair shaft and affecting your hair porosity
Once you understand that then now you can troubleshoot the issues that arise nely weak hair ,dryness and breakage .

1. Before you color its good to do a light protein treatment to boost the strength pf your hair at least a week in advance .
2. A day before dye application apply a generous amount of coconut oil to the hair since its a penetrating oil and binds protein to hair . It will also
protect from excessive processing of color . And adds to the richness of color
3. After dyeing its recommended to skip shampoo and opt for cowashing instead and follow up with deep conditioning
4. A few days after dye process do another protein treatment to restore strength .
5. As i mentioned above color affects porosity this means hair will be dryer and therefore more prone to breakage . So you need to deep condition at least weekly to keep moisture levels up .
Also you need to moisturize daily even upto 2 times a day and i have noticed i have had to do LOC method more than the once a week i would do it . Now i have to do it 2 times a week with color .

There is a difference btn color and dye..dye is temporary and color is permanent
.you can get away with dye but with color you have to wash with a neutralizing shampoo to stop the process.if you don't.. Color nikama relaxer its process will continue thus causing hair breakage...that's where most people go wrong. Another reason why hair cuts...dye blocks hair pores lowering its porosity thus breakage happens that's why a moisturizer treatment is given as a excuses...color rips off the hair melanin...imagine our hair is deeeeeep much will the hair melanin be broken to achieve a fair color....treatment.. Treatment!!!?? Treatment!!!!! Is a must rule!!!!