Showing posts with label Kenyan Men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenyan Men. Show all posts

Kenyan Men...Facts about Men in Kenya

Kenyan Men and Kenyan Boys
Kenyan men treat their wives as second in command, they expect their women tobe there for them, answer when they call and they always want to make the final decision... be the man.
For a woman... not knowing how to cook is a serious crime in Kenya.Men in Kenya believe that a woman is responsible if she is good with domestic works while the ones with very little knowledge and domestic know-how are considered irresponsible.

A Kenyan boy is expected to leave his father's house at most by the age of 30, fend for himself and build his own home. If he fails to do so, he would be regarded as an irresponsible man in his own community; Kenyan men are expected to be independent by thirty at most.

A Kenyan man is very hard-working compared to his counterparts in Diaspore because
1. The average Kenyan man believes in a family and the men are expected to take up all the bills at home.
2. The man runs the home irrespective of 'how much' the wife is worth.
The Kenyan man is a natural hustler, they go out in the morning and come back in the evening, they don't usually get fed up with wealth acquisition, that is the onething American women seem to like so much about Kenyan men, - That they takeresponsibility and make sure their family as well as their woman is well taken care of.

One said "I love the way African men love their children it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, but I can see the boys are more spoiled, that is the truth."

Why do Kenyan men Always go Home to Marry??
If you do a search on the internet about "Kenyan men" you would come across very few positive comments and loads of negative stuff about Men from Kenya, like they are domineering, you hear things like "Kenya guys are naturally dishonest!," you will hear the good and you will also hear the bad things about men from eastern African. Well, I guess that comes with life.
But the main question is -Why Kenyan guys in Diaspore go home to marry the accredited innocent and yet un-spoiled girl back in their countryinstead of the white chick they have been cuddling all year long??
The simple answer to that question is - because they don't like an independent woman. African men believe that independent women and women with western upbringing are already spoiled and finds it very difficult to cope as tradition demandsLike going into the kitchen everyday to prepare his favorite recipe or give it to them the way they want it on bed. African men in general see the women as a helper who they have tolove, pamper and dominateand they want her to remain thus, not another bread winner or some sort of competition.Clubbing, excessive partying, alcohol is considered highly indecent for a Kenyan wife while the white woman considers them a sort of get-away.

The simple Kenyan girl is willing to submit and be a real wife to an African man, by so doing she enjoys unhindered love and lavish that she initially never bargained for. That's why a man from Nigeria can fly several miles back home to bring her over, after of course several trial and errors with the white chicks.A Kenyan women finds savorable love in humility, a quality that Kenyan men are yet to find in women with western upbringing.
Most of the negative things you hear about Kenyan/black men are from white/American women who tell stories of how they got their heart broken and how ruthless heartless they find Nigerian men. I am a Kenyan guy and I don't care whether you are white, black or even pink once you have the qualities I want in a woman, I am off to the alter with you.And that brings me to yet another tip about Men from Kenyan - They prefer church wedding to court marriage, in fact, only about 2 percent of all couples in Kenya had court marriage, the rest follow the normal trend, - introduction, traditional and then church wedding no court nothing.

Dating Kenyan Men
Here is where it goes wrong most of the times... dating a Kenyan guy, white women often find it difficult to cope, they think we are domineering and demanding. Well, that is because we were pretty spoilt back home, In Kenya, we think the main responsibility of a man is to pay the bills, we can pay all the bill and even more but we don't wash no dishes, we don't change no diapers, we pay someone to do that if our wife is gainfully employed.Women from the western world got "ego" and that is simply why Kenya men don't marry far away from home.Most of the American/European women that are successfully dating Kenyan men either had to adjust or get him to shrink a little bit but that is not always easy,we rather turn the other way than get squeezed a little bit and that is the hard truth.But frankly, you can date and marry a handsome Kenyan guy any day if you are willing and able to be a good wife.