Showing posts with label Skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin care. Show all posts

Shea Butter Hair and Skin Review

shea butter is a buttery plant oil extracted from the shea nut tree.
There are two types of shea butter
A.west african shea butter
B. nilotica shea butter (east african)
The diffrence between the two ?
East African shea butter is higher in oleic acid making it softer smoother and creamier than its west african counter part . More olwic acid is also equals to better skin rejuvenating qualities. Its also richer in vitamin A and E
How to use Shea Butter ?
Shea butter is great for both skin and hair .
Below ill outline the benefits of shea butter for skin and hair respectively . Then ill take you through some ways you can use it .
For skin .
Dry skin ,acne , blemishes,wrinkles ,sunburn,psoriasis ,eczema,stretch marks ?? If you have any of these conditions shea butter is the way to go . The oleic acidand vitamin A in shea butter helps repair the skin from the inside . It is easily absorbed into skin and does not clog pores .
Its also great to treat allergies ,insect bites and wounds
How does it do all this ? Shea butter aids the skin cells to produce more collagen . More collagen is equals smoother softer and wrinkle free skin .
Shea butter is also a great sunscreen . It has a spf of 6 .
Do you suffer from pains and aches . Massages with shea butter help relax the muscles and aid in healing the symptoms of arthritis.
For hair
Shea butter for hair can be used for in many ways
1. Its a great sealant for moisture . Use it after using your leave in conditioner to seal in that moisture for longer
2. Remember all those dry skin eczema and psoriasis issues we talked about under skin . Well your hair grows from skin (scalp) and also the scalp can be affected by those skin conditions . If you have ever had eczema then you know how bad it can itch . You scratch till you bleed ( from experience ) Now if its on your scalp and ypu scratch that bad you end up having several bald spots that never grow hair since the skin around is damaged by all the scratching and lesions . Enter Shea butter and bye bye skin condition ....and suddenly the bald spots start growing hair back .
3. Shea butter works on your hair follicles making sure they are healthy and well nourished . This results in better hair growth
4.Softer hair . Shea butter is a natural hair softener . When implemented as part of your LOC/LCO/LOCO method as as part of your deep conditioning it helps keep your hair softer .
Best way to use shea butter
The easiest way to use shea butter is to whip it up into a soft fluffy butterry yummy cakelike butter . ( till it looks soo good you can eat it ) .
To do this put some in a bowl . Add any other oils of your liking . Use the double boiler method over low heat to melt them all up . Cover the bowl with saran wrap (cling film) and place in the freezer for about 30 min ...till it starts to partly solidify . Take it out and use a hand mixer or electric mixer to whipp it up for 15 min till fluffy . Store in containers and happy using .
Remember to add some to your deep conditioner😄

How to Make Home Made Body Butter

My home made body butter.
Cocoa butter -1/2 cup
Coconut oil -1/2 cup
Olive oil -1/4 cup
Sesame oil -2tbls
Shea butter -1/2 cup
Lavender oil -1 bottle cap
Sweet almond oil- 1 bottle cap
Argan oil -1 bottle cap
Glycerin - 1/4 of the bottle

Homemade Lip Scrub for Chapped lips

I have always suffered from chapped lips and no matter how much water I drink or how often I use lipbalm theres always some chapping even If minimal. I discovered this DIY Lip scrub on pinterest when shopping around for a solution.
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp honey
2 tbsp sugar (any kind)
Mix the ingredients then apply some on your lips, scrub your lips till you're satisfied then lick off the rest or wipe with a tissue. Apply lipbalm to keep lips moisturized. I use Nivea hydracare with SPF 15. Maintain a habit of drinking enough water to keep you hydrated.

As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see If your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyones skin is different so results can vary from person to person . This post is provided for information and education purposes. Please discontinue use If skin doesn not react well to the regimen.

Simple Home Remedy for Acne Scars

Tumeric face mask
● 1 tsp Tumeric powder
● 1 tbsp honey
Mix well then apply to face and neck. Let sit on face for 15-30 minutes. Then with wet fingerz massage your face in circular motions for about three minutes then rinse off with cool water. As Tumeric stains, you may be left with yellow stains on your face especially in the creases and hairline, you can use a scarf around your hairline to protect it. As for the rest of the face, you can use your cleanser and a soft microfiber cloth to wash the remaining color off. If this still doesn't help use a toner with some cotton balls to wipe it off or half of a lemon, apply on your face in circular motions then rinse off. Please note that you MAY still be left with staining but it will not be as noticeable.
Next tone your face, I use a DIY toner as well. Three parts Apple Cider Vinegar and one parts water. To start with you can start with 1 part ACV and 1 part water and reduce the amount of water as you get used to it sincr ACV doesn sting. Avoid the area around the eyes due to irritation.
Then moisturize. I use Aloe Vera Gel

Natural Remedies For Rashes and Large Pores on the Face

Yogurt for skincare ?!
How To get rid of rashes and large pores?
√√√Rashes ::
1.Apply this yogurt on Clean face for 10-15 mins
2.Apply yogurt and lemon peel mask 5-10 mins
Duration 3-4 days and you will enjoy the results
√√√Open pores :::
1.)Rub ice cubes on the pores
2.)Apply yogurt on the face
----If you want to glow and get rid √√√of darkspots
1.)Mix of tbs of Sandalwood and yogurt as a mask .

10 Great Benefits of Yoghurt For Your Skin and Hair

1. Conditions Hair
If you are tired of the chemicals found in store-bought conditioners and are looking for a natural alternative, yogurt can help condition your hair and make it more manageable.
What You Need
4 tablespoons yogurt
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
Apply the hair pack to your strands, and let it stay for an hour.
Rinse thoroughly using a mild shampoo.
Why This Works
Because yogurt has moisturizing properties, it helps repair dry and damaged hair (9). It leaves your hair conditioned and makes it more manageable.
2. Reduces Hair Fall
Hair fall happens for a number of reasons. One of which is the hair follicles not receiving proper nourishment. Using yogurt, which is full of nutrients that are good for your hair, can help stop hair fall.
What You Need
½ cup yogurt
3 tablespoons ground fenugreek seeds
What You Have To Do
Combine the yogurt and the fenugreek seeds together.
Using a brush, apply it to your strands.
Keep for an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo.
Why This Works
Due to the presence of vitamin B5 and D, yogurt helps nourish the hair follicles (10). This helps prevent hair loss.
3. Treats Dandruff
Dandruff is a common problem, but which can be avoided with the topical use of yogurt.
What You Need
½ cup yogurt
What You Have To Do
Massage the yogurt into your scalp.
Let it rest for 20 minutes, and rinse with a mild shampoo
Why This Works
One of the main causes of dandruff is fungus. A fungal infection can make the scalp produce flaky skin. Yogurt, which is a natural anti-fungal, helps removes all signs of dandruff
4. Moisturizes Skin
If your skin needs a boost of moisture, you can try using a yogurt face mask to rejuvenate your skin.
What You Need
4 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 teaspoon honey
What You Have To Do
Add all the ingredients to a bowl, and mix till the consistency is more or less even.
Apply the mask to your face and neck, and keep it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse with cold water and pat your skin dry.
Why This Works
When yogurt is applied topically, it increases the moisture content of the treated area . This makes skin more elastic and improves brightness.
5. Reduces Wrinkles And Fine Lines
As time goes on, your skin starts to show signs of aging. You can combat the wrinkles and fine lines by using a yogurt scrub on a weekly basis.
What You Need
2 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon oats
What You Have To Do
Add the oats to the yogurt, and wait for it to get mushy. Stir to get an even consistency.
Apply it all over your face and neck, and massage using gentle, circular motions.
Keep the scrub on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Why This Works
Yogurt has lactic acid, which works well as an exfoliator (2). It removes the topmost layer of dead cells, revealing brighter and younger skin.
3. Fights Acne
Yogurt is considered to be an effective home remedy for fighting acne. Using plain yogurt on a regular basis can help you get rid of pimples.
What You Need
1 tablespoon yogurt
cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Dip the cotton balls in the yogurt and apply it to the affected areas. Once you use a cotton ball on an acne, dispose of it. Don’t use it for application over another area. This may cause your acne to spread.
Keep it overnight and wash your face with cold water in the morning.
Why This Works
The high amounts of zinc and lactic acid present in yogurt make it a potent cure for acne
7. Fades Blemishes And Pigmentation
Acne and pimples can leave behind scars that take a long time to fade. Using a combination of yogurt and lemon juice can help to get rid of them faster.
What You Need
1 tablespoon yogurt
½ teaspoon lemon juice
What You Have To Do
Combine the yogurt and the lemon juice in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to the affected areas. Avoid getting it in your eyes, for it might sting.
Keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Why This Works
The reason yogurt helps fade blemishes and corrects uneven pigmentation is because of its lactic acid content (4). Lactic acid removes the topmost layer of skin, which promotes the growth of new skin cells. This effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation.
8. Reduces Dark Circles
A sleepless night and good old genetics are the reasons behind dark circles. Using yogurt can help reduce them.
What You Need
1 teaspoon yogurt
cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Dip the cotton balls in the yogurt.
Gently dab it under your eyes.
Keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
Why This Works
Yogurt helps reduce dark circles because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces puffiness. The lactic acid in it also reduces persistent dark circles (5).
9. Treats Skin Infections
Skin infections such as ringworm or athletes’ foot plague a number of people. If you are looking for an all-natural remedy, then you can give yogurt a try.
What You Need
1 teaspoon yogurt
What You Have To Do
Apply the yogurt over the infected area and warp it with the gauze.
Repeat this procedure twice a day till the infection goes away.
Why This Works
Yogurt has probiotics that help get rid of skin infections caused by pathogens such as yeast
10. Soothes Sunburns
Sunburns are caused by the UV rays of the sun. It damages the skin, resulting in redness and sometimes, blisters. Using yogurt topically can help heal the sunburned areas.
Why This Works
Applying yogurt to sunburned areas cools it down . This is because it is rich in zinc and has anti-inflammatory properties