23 common Kitchen Items to Get Hair Healthy

Here are 23 common
kitchen items to get
hair healthy
1) Extra Virgin
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of those must have
ingredients to get hair healthy. It is
also versatile as a beauty product and
makes a great hair care treatment
because of its richness in fatty acids
that moisturize and treat the hair and
It is ideal as a deep conditioning
treatment for dry, damaged hair or
coarse hair. It also makes an
excellent detangling and moisturizing
treatment for thick, curly and kinky
hair types.
2) Carrots
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient if
you’re looking to grow and strengthen
your tresses, and carrots are jam
filled with beta carotene, an excellent
source of Vitamin A.
To make your very own carrot oil from
scratch, check out this recipe from
Ygoy . Another alternative is to simply
purchase all natural carrot oil, which
is often more potent.
3) Eggs
To get hair healthy and grow it long,
you need to minimize hair loss and
shedding by strengthening hair
strands. Protein in the hair is the
chemical compound that affects the
strength and structure of the hair.
Eggs are a great source of protein
and make a great weekly hair mask
especially when combined with other
natural ingredients such as yogurt,
honey or avocados.
4) Honey
Honey is another one of those
versatile ingredients that make great
as a beauty treatment. In hair care,
honey helps to retain and draw water
to the hair keeping the scalp and hair
strands moisturized.
It can be combined with other natural
ingredients to create a mask. Or can
be used alone or mixed with your
favorite natural oil as a deep
conditioning treatment.
5) Yogurt
If you’ve ever purchased one of those
hair growth vitamins, then you have
noticed biotin as a top ingredient on
the list, that’s because Biotin plays a
major role in maintaining healthy
scalp and growing healthy hair.
Yogurt is an excellent source of Biotin
and also contains other vitamins and
proteins that make it a great
treatment for hair. To use, simply
blend yogurt with other natural
ingredients or oils to create a hair
6) Peanut oil
We often hear of olive oil, argan oil or
castor oil to get hair healthy, but one
of the better and lesser known
natural oils for hair care is peanut
oil. Peanut oil is filled with essential
vitamins such as Vitamin E, A and D
that help to grow strong, healthy
It is ideal for curly hair types, coarse
and dry, damaged hair. It can be used
alone as a hot oil treatment.
7) Mayonnaise
You’ve most likely heard of
Mayonnaise as a homemade treatment
for deep moisturizing, to get hair
healthy. It is filled with protein which
is known to strengthen hair strands
for longer, shinier hair.
8) Avocado
For dry hair and scalp treatment, try
the ultimate avocado mask. Avocado is
a yummy vitamin filled goodness that
can be easily blended with other
natural ingredients such as yogurt or
egg yolk as a luxurious hair
treatment. Its use in homemade hair
care dates far back to the days of
early Egyptians.
9) Raw Apple Cider
Vinegar is another multi-use product
that has a ton of great benefits. It
helps to balance pH levels and bring
hair and scalp to normal acidic levels
which plays an important role in
growing healthy hair.
In homemade hair care, it works
great as a hair rinse, an alternative
to shampoo, as a dandruff treatment
or simply a mixture with other natural
ingredients and essential oils as hair
treatment. To use a hair rinse to
revive dull hair and make it shiny,
simply mix with equal parts water,
spritz onto hair, leave on for several
minutes and rinse.
To use a shampoo alternative, you can
mix with baking soda to create a
paste and apply mixture onto the hair
and scalp. Leave on for a few minutes
and rinse off thoroughly.
10) Baking soda
Baking soda can be used in homemade
hair care to cleanse the hair. As
previously stated above, it can be
mixed with apple cider vinegar and
used as a alternative to shampoo
11) Beer
This might come shocking to a lot of
people as I know it did me, but who
knew that good ole’ beer can make a
great hair treatment. That’s right,
beer works great a hair rinse to
replenish moisture to hair. According
to TruthinAging.com , beer is filled
with B vitamins and proteins that
coat the hair, draw in moisture and
repairs damaged hair. These nutrients
are found in the malt and hops.
To use, simply pour some beer into a
glass and let is sit to room
temperature levels. Then with finger
tips simply apply to hair and scalp in
small sections. Then blow dry as
Beer also makes a great hair styling
treatment and can be used as an
alternative to hair spray by simply
spritzing onto the hair.
12) Banana
For those with dry, damaged hair,
banana is a great treatment to get
hair healthy again. It is an excellent
source of essential vitamins that
nourish the hair. It can be easily
mixed with other natural ingredients
such as yogurt, egg, avocados etc to
make a luxurious hair mask.
13) Ghee butter
I wrote about ghee butter as a hair
conditioner in a previous article and
from first hand experience, I can
attest to the benefit and
effectiveness of ghee butter. It
works especially well on coarse, dry
damaged hair as a deep conditioning
14) Garlic
Garlic is an excellent treatment to
combat hair loss and promote healthy
strands. To use, you can simply cut
garlic into tiny chunks, put into a
glass container with a bit of water
and leave overnight to extract the
juices. Use the tonic as a pre-
treatment by applying it all over the
scalp before shampooing. To increase
the effectiveness, put on a hair cap
and sit under the dryer for about 20
15) Lemon
Lemon is an all purpose product that
is well known for its lightning
properties. In hair care, it can be
used as rinse and also a natural, hair
bleaching treatment. To use, simply
mix with a bit of water, apply to hair,
and it is recommended to sit under the
sun for increased effectiveness.
16) Cayenne Pepper
Apparently cayenne pepper is an
excellent ingredient to aid in hair
growth. It is said to work by
improving circulation and blood flow
which aids in regeneration and
growth. It is often mixed in natural
hair oils and massaged onto the scalp.
17) Onions
Similar to garlic, onions work to
prevent hair loss and promote hair
growth. Use in a similar fashion as
garlic, by cutting into small chunks
and extracting juice. Or you can
simply rub cut onions onto sparse
areas of the hair.
18) Rosemary
Similar to cayenne pepper, rosemary
works to stimulate hair follicles and
promote hair growth. It is a powerful
herb that has been used in natural
hair care for decades to get hair
healthy and strong.
19) Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea can be used a natural
way to lighten the hair or as a rinse.
To use, simply apply tea mixture to
the hair and scalp. It can also be
mixed with other essential oils.
20) Red wine
Want to a natural way to become a
red head, well reach for a glass of red
wine. That’s right, red wine can be
used a natural way to add a subtle red
tint to your hair. To use simply apply
red wine to damp hair, put on a
shower cap and wait 10-15 minutes.
Voila! Red hair in an instant.
21) Grape juice
Similar to red wine, grape juice can
be used a natural hair dye to
brighten, dull brassy tones on blondes
and to get rid of the dreaded orange
hair. You can simply mix with equal
parts hair conditioner and leave on
hair for 20-30 minutes, rinse
thoroughly afterwards.
22) Tomato Juice
The benefits of vitamin A in hair care
is stronger, healthier hair. Tomatoes
are an excellent source of this vitamin
amongst others and works as a great
treatment for severely dry, damaged
hair. Simply mash raw tomatoes to
extract juices and apply directly to
hair or mix with other natural
23) Extra Virgin
Olive oil
Last but not least, extra virgin oil is
one of those absolute necessities in
natural, homemade hair care to get
hair healthy. It can be used in a
variety of ways. Apply it to freshly
washed and conditioned hair as a hair
oil, mix with other natural hair
ingredients or use as a hot oil