10 Great Benefits of Yoghurt For Your Skin and Hair

1. Conditions Hair
If you are tired of the chemicals found in store-bought conditioners and are looking for a natural alternative, yogurt can help condition your hair and make it more manageable.
What You Need
4 tablespoons yogurt
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
Apply the hair pack to your strands, and let it stay for an hour.
Rinse thoroughly using a mild shampoo.
Why This Works
Because yogurt has moisturizing properties, it helps repair dry and damaged hair (9). It leaves your hair conditioned and makes it more manageable.
2. Reduces Hair Fall
Hair fall happens for a number of reasons. One of which is the hair follicles not receiving proper nourishment. Using yogurt, which is full of nutrients that are good for your hair, can help stop hair fall.
What You Need
½ cup yogurt
3 tablespoons ground fenugreek seeds
What You Have To Do
Combine the yogurt and the fenugreek seeds together.
Using a brush, apply it to your strands.
Keep for an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo.
Why This Works
Due to the presence of vitamin B5 and D, yogurt helps nourish the hair follicles (10). This helps prevent hair loss.
3. Treats Dandruff
Dandruff is a common problem, but which can be avoided with the topical use of yogurt.
What You Need
½ cup yogurt
What You Have To Do
Massage the yogurt into your scalp.
Let it rest for 20 minutes, and rinse with a mild shampoo
Why This Works
One of the main causes of dandruff is fungus. A fungal infection can make the scalp produce flaky skin. Yogurt, which is a natural anti-fungal, helps removes all signs of dandruff
4. Moisturizes Skin
If your skin needs a boost of moisture, you can try using a yogurt face mask to rejuvenate your skin.
What You Need
4 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 teaspoon honey
What You Have To Do
Add all the ingredients to a bowl, and mix till the consistency is more or less even.
Apply the mask to your face and neck, and keep it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse with cold water and pat your skin dry.
Why This Works
When yogurt is applied topically, it increases the moisture content of the treated area . This makes skin more elastic and improves brightness.
5. Reduces Wrinkles And Fine Lines
As time goes on, your skin starts to show signs of aging. You can combat the wrinkles and fine lines by using a yogurt scrub on a weekly basis.
What You Need
2 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon oats
What You Have To Do
Add the oats to the yogurt, and wait for it to get mushy. Stir to get an even consistency.
Apply it all over your face and neck, and massage using gentle, circular motions.
Keep the scrub on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Why This Works
Yogurt has lactic acid, which works well as an exfoliator (2). It removes the topmost layer of dead cells, revealing brighter and younger skin.
3. Fights Acne
Yogurt is considered to be an effective home remedy for fighting acne. Using plain yogurt on a regular basis can help you get rid of pimples.
What You Need
1 tablespoon yogurt
cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Dip the cotton balls in the yogurt and apply it to the affected areas. Once you use a cotton ball on an acne, dispose of it. Don’t use it for application over another area. This may cause your acne to spread.
Keep it overnight and wash your face with cold water in the morning.
Why This Works
The high amounts of zinc and lactic acid present in yogurt make it a potent cure for acne
7. Fades Blemishes And Pigmentation
Acne and pimples can leave behind scars that take a long time to fade. Using a combination of yogurt and lemon juice can help to get rid of them faster.
What You Need
1 tablespoon yogurt
½ teaspoon lemon juice
What You Have To Do
Combine the yogurt and the lemon juice in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to the affected areas. Avoid getting it in your eyes, for it might sting.
Keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Why This Works
The reason yogurt helps fade blemishes and corrects uneven pigmentation is because of its lactic acid content (4). Lactic acid removes the topmost layer of skin, which promotes the growth of new skin cells. This effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation.
8. Reduces Dark Circles
A sleepless night and good old genetics are the reasons behind dark circles. Using yogurt can help reduce them.
What You Need
1 teaspoon yogurt
cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Dip the cotton balls in the yogurt.
Gently dab it under your eyes.
Keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
Why This Works
Yogurt helps reduce dark circles because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces puffiness. The lactic acid in it also reduces persistent dark circles (5).
9. Treats Skin Infections
Skin infections such as ringworm or athletes’ foot plague a number of people. If you are looking for an all-natural remedy, then you can give yogurt a try.
What You Need
1 teaspoon yogurt
What You Have To Do
Apply the yogurt over the infected area and warp it with the gauze.
Repeat this procedure twice a day till the infection goes away.
Why This Works
Yogurt has probiotics that help get rid of skin infections caused by pathogens such as yeast
10. Soothes Sunburns
Sunburns are caused by the UV rays of the sun. It damages the skin, resulting in redness and sometimes, blisters. Using yogurt topically can help heal the sunburned areas.
Why This Works
Applying yogurt to sunburned areas cools it down . This is because it is rich in zinc and has anti-inflammatory properties