18 Great Places To Visit On A Family Vacation In Kenya

Vacation is a special bonding time for most families, the connections and memories formed during such family adventure make for stories that will last for generations. Children who are still in their formative years learn a lot from visiting new environment and interacting with people from different backgrounds. Some have even discovered their talent bychance while on vacation.Many parents will love to embark on familyadventure and spend quality time with their kids, beside the traditional travelling to the village with the whole family by the end of the year. However, they have little idea about amazing family vacation destinations in Kenya.Therefore, we present to you 36 great places to visit on a family vacation in Kenya:

1.Nairobi National Park
Nairobi National Park is just a 10 minutes drive from the center of Nairobi with only a fence separating the park’s wildlife from the metropolis. Nairobi’s skyscrapers can be seen from the park. Despite its proximity to the city and the relative small size of the park, Nairobi National Park boasts a large and varied wildlife population. Migrating wildebeest and zebra gather in the park during the dry season, and it is one of Kenya’s most successful rhinoceros sanctuaries.

2.The Aberdares
This is the Kenyan highlands at its best. It is a bit cooler than the lower lying areas in Kenya. There are forest reserves waiting to be explored. It is a place close to Eden teaming with wildlife and animal life that you can’t see anywhere else. There are waterfalls, volcanic outcrops moorlands just to name a few. This is an amazing spot to visit on your trip to Kenya.

Malindi provides a very nice introduction to the coastal tourist attractions in Kenya with its extensive coral reefs and beautiful beaches. There are surfing, snorkeling, deep-sea fishing and other water sports. The Malindi Marine National Park is protected and has fine beaches clear water and very colorful fish. Malindi is served with a domestic airport and a highway between Mombasa and Lamu.

4.Mount Kenya
Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. The mountain offers a beautiful sight. Its series of peaks are crowned with snow, and its slopes are covered with forest. The 5199 meter (17,057 ft) high summit is a difficult technical climb, several lowers peaks however are an easy destination for any fit trekker.

5.Samburu National Reserve
Samburu National Reserve is a very peaceful national park in Northern Kenya. It attracts wildlife because of the Uaso Nyiro River that runs through it and the mixture of forest and grassland vegetation. All three big cats, lion, cheetah and leopard, can be found here, as well as elephants, buffalo and hippos. The Uaso Nyiro River contains large numbers of Nile crocodile.

6.Hell's Gate National Park
Hell’s Gate National Park is a tiny park named after a narrow break in the cliffs, once a tributary of a prehistoric lake that fed early humans in the Rift Valley. It is unique among Kenya’s wildlife parks, as you are allowed to walk or cycle without a guide. There’s dramatic scenery, with steep cliffs, gorges and basalt columns. The national park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, though many are few in number. Examples of little seen wildlife include lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

7.Lake Naivasha
This lake can be found a few hours from Naivasha. It is spectacular for viewing game and wildlife in their natural habitat. You can also get up close and personal with large Kenyan beasts like the rhinoceros, the leopard and the lion just to name a few

8.Lamu Island
Lamu Island is a part of Kenya’s Lamu Archipelago, and has managed to stay unspoiled and untouched by the mass tourism that has hit much of Kenya’s coastline. As the oldest living town inKenya, Lamu Town has retained all the charm and character built up over centuries. There are no roads on Lamu Island, just alleyways and footpaths, and therefore, there are few motorized vehicles on the island. Residents move about on foot or by boat, and donkeys are used to transport goods and materials.

Tsavo is the largest national park in Kenya and one of the largest in the world. Due to its size the park was divided into Tsavo West and Tsavo East. The Tsavo West has spectacular scenery with a rolling volcanic landscape while Tsavo East has more open savannah than its western sibling. Tsavo National Park is the ideal destination in Kenya for people who seek solitude and privacy as well as thechance to explore the wilderness.

10.Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru is a very shallow lake in central Kenya. The lake’s abundance of algae attracts vast quantities of lesser flamingos, sometimes more than one million at once. Often called the greatest bird spectacle on earth, the flamingos are one of Kenya’s top attractions. Sadly, in recent years the number of flamingosat Lake Nakuru has been decreasing, due to environmental degradation and pollution.

11.Amboseli National Park
Amboseli National Park is a relatively small park located close to the Tanzania border at the foot of Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. The park is famous for being the best place in Africa to get close to free-ranging elephants. Other attractions of theAmboseli National Parkinclude opportunities to meet the Maasai people and spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro.

12.Masai Mara National Reserve
The Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the top tourist attractions in Kenya and the country’s most popular game park. Each year the Masai Mara National Reserve is visited by thousands of tourists who come here to watch the exceptional population of game and the annual migration of zebra and wildebeest. The “Great Migration” takes place every year from July to October when millions of wildebeest and zebra migrate from the Serengeti in Tanzania.

13.Uhuru Gardens
Uhuru Gardens is a fascinating urban haven located in Nairobi. Beautiful lanscape and architecture, lush plantations and relaxing atmosphere are the defining elements of Uhuru garden.

14.Shanzu beach
Shanzu Beach is located on the Indian Ocean in Mombasa, an ideal place for an unforgettable coast adventure. The beach is known for its beautiful shores, spectacular views, towering palm trees, and pristine white sands. There are several accommodation located next to the beach. Great place to spend a memorable vacation!

15.Meru National Park
Meru National Park is located 350km fromNairobi, east of Meru. The Mational park isone of the most popular and beautiful parks in Kenya. It is home to several animal species such as Leopard, Elephant,Hippopotamus, Cheetah and many others. The park offers a authentic wilderness atmosphere, scenic landscapes and amazing wildlife.

16.Giraffe Manor
Giraffe Manor offers a unique experience when it comes to luxury accommodation. The Manor is one of the best places to seebeautiful and graceful creatures such as Giraffes in Kenya. The Manor is home to Rothschild Giraffes, which are seen roaming around the surroundings. It’s sucha beautiful experience!

17.Olpejeta Conservancy
The vast Conservancy lures visitors from around the country in search of unforgettable adventures. The Ol Pejeta Conservancyis located in Nanyuki, between the foothills of Mount Kenya and the Aberdares. The conservancy is home to the ‘Big Five’ and offers a scenic landscape, wildlife ambiance an exciting experience.

18.Kisumu Impala Sanctuary
Kisumu Impala Sanctuary is a located 3 Km from Kisumu City. The Sanctuary lies on the shores of Lake Victoria. There are quite a lot of things to enliven and thrill nature-lovers here; besides, if you love wildlife, you will appreciate the both the free ranging and captive animals in the sanctuary. Apart from that,Kisumu ImpalaSanctuaryis a well-preserved natural beauty, a fascinating place to be!

Lake Nakuru
Mount Kenya
Maasai Mara
Uhuru Gardens
Giraffe Manor
Samburu National Reserve

Kenyan Men...Facts about Men in Kenya

Kenyan Men and Kenyan Boys
Kenyan men treat their wives as second in command, they expect their women tobe there for them, answer when they call and they always want to make the final decision... be the man.
For a woman... not knowing how to cook is a serious crime in Kenya.Men in Kenya believe that a woman is responsible if she is good with domestic works while the ones with very little knowledge and domestic know-how are considered irresponsible.

A Kenyan boy is expected to leave his father's house at most by the age of 30, fend for himself and build his own home. If he fails to do so, he would be regarded as an irresponsible man in his own community; Kenyan men are expected to be independent by thirty at most.

A Kenyan man is very hard-working compared to his counterparts in Diaspore because
1. The average Kenyan man believes in a family and the men are expected to take up all the bills at home.
2. The man runs the home irrespective of 'how much' the wife is worth.
The Kenyan man is a natural hustler, they go out in the morning and come back in the evening, they don't usually get fed up with wealth acquisition, that is the onething American women seem to like so much about Kenyan men, - That they takeresponsibility and make sure their family as well as their woman is well taken care of.

One said "I love the way African men love their children it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, but I can see the boys are more spoiled, that is the truth."

Why do Kenyan men Always go Home to Marry??
If you do a search on the internet about "Kenyan men" you would come across very few positive comments and loads of negative stuff about Men from Kenya, like they are domineering, you hear things like "Kenya guys are naturally dishonest!," you will hear the good and you will also hear the bad things about men from eastern African. Well, I guess that comes with life.
But the main question is -Why Kenyan guys in Diaspore go home to marry the accredited innocent and yet un-spoiled girl back in their countryinstead of the white chick they have been cuddling all year long??
The simple answer to that question is - because they don't like an independent woman. African men believe that independent women and women with western upbringing are already spoiled and finds it very difficult to cope as tradition demandsLike going into the kitchen everyday to prepare his favorite recipe or give it to them the way they want it on bed. African men in general see the women as a helper who they have tolove, pamper and dominateand they want her to remain thus, not another bread winner or some sort of competition.Clubbing, excessive partying, alcohol is considered highly indecent for a Kenyan wife while the white woman considers them a sort of get-away.

The simple Kenyan girl is willing to submit and be a real wife to an African man, by so doing she enjoys unhindered love and lavish that she initially never bargained for. That's why a man from Nigeria can fly several miles back home to bring her over, after of course several trial and errors with the white chicks.A Kenyan women finds savorable love in humility, a quality that Kenyan men are yet to find in women with western upbringing.
Most of the negative things you hear about Kenyan/black men are from white/American women who tell stories of how they got their heart broken and how ruthless heartless they find Nigerian men. I am a Kenyan guy and I don't care whether you are white, black or even pink once you have the qualities I want in a woman, I am off to the alter with you.And that brings me to yet another tip about Men from Kenyan - They prefer church wedding to court marriage, in fact, only about 2 percent of all couples in Kenya had court marriage, the rest follow the normal trend, - introduction, traditional and then church wedding no court nothing.

Dating Kenyan Men
Here is where it goes wrong most of the times... dating a Kenyan guy, white women often find it difficult to cope, they think we are domineering and demanding. Well, that is because we were pretty spoilt back home, In Kenya, we think the main responsibility of a man is to pay the bills, we can pay all the bill and even more but we don't wash no dishes, we don't change no diapers, we pay someone to do that if our wife is gainfully employed.Women from the western world got "ego" and that is simply why Kenya men don't marry far away from home.Most of the American/European women that are successfully dating Kenyan men either had to adjust or get him to shrink a little bit but that is not always easy,we rather turn the other way than get squeezed a little bit and that is the hard truth.But frankly, you can date and marry a handsome Kenyan guy any day if you are willing and able to be a good wife.

Kenyan Animals: Domestic and Wild Animals

Are you thinking of a vacation in Kenya or just being curious about what animals still existent in Kenya and which is not, here is a complete list. We have the list ranging from the simple domestic animals to the wild animals.We have different uses for Animals in Kenya, some as beast of burden...meant to carry goods from one place to another like the camel, while a professionally trained dog could be used as a security guard in banks and personal houses, they as well as cats can also be used as house pets.
We also have simple and harmless animals like the cameloan which can be seen in several parts of the country. In Kenya there are different kinds of snakes - the Python, Green snake, and the anaconda which is though scarcely seen in many places in Kenya.There are lots of other animals in Kenya, used for different purposes, some are used for jokes or comic display like the monkey and wild dogs while other are still used as meat.The monkey happens to be the most entertaining of all Kenyan animals, it could be trained to perform different dance moves and can also perform acrobatics...tumbling different times to the rhythm of a music.There are lots of other Animals used for Food (eaten at home) and restaurants, we have bush meat joints which could be found in several parts of the country where bush meat pepper soup is deliciously prepared. Animals like the cutting grass, squirrel, rabbits antelope and crocodile are used for such purposes.
Several Kenyan Animals had gone extinct while many areyet not mentioned here, there are lots of Animals that could be found in Nigeria the number is running into thousands. Here is a bit about the wild animals.

Kenya is synonymous with wildlife and nature. Here, you’ll find the
Big Five, but so much more – myriad species amid dramatic, unspoilt landscapes. Thanks to the foresight of conservationists past and present, Kenya remains blessed with abundant wildlife. The big five are among the most dangerous, yet most popular species for big-gamehunters to hunt
The Big Five
Best known are the mammals, and the best known of these are the famous Big Five: elephant, lion, rhino, leopard and buffalo. Not that giraffe, hippo or whale are small ..Kenya's bushveld and savannah regions are still home to large numbers of the mammals universally associated with Africa. The lion remains Kenya's most sought after tourist attraction on the country's many African wildlife safaris.

Kenyan Elephant
The Kenyan elephant is a very large herbivore having thick, almost hairless skin, along, flexible, prehensile trunk, upperincisorsforming long curvedtusks ofivory, and large, fan-shaped ears. Elephants are difficult to hunt because, despite their large size, they are able to hide in tall grass and are more likely to charge than the other species.

Black rhinoceros
The black rhinoceros is alarge, thick-skinned herbivore having one or two upright horns on the nasal bridge.Rhinocerosmay refer to either black or white rhinoceros. Among big five game hunters, the black rhinoceros is preferred, although it is nowcritically endangered.

Kenyan buffalo
The Kenyan buffalo is a large horned bovid. Buffalo are sometimes reported to kill more hunters in Kenyaa than any other animal. A similar claim is also made of hippos and crocodiles, but these statements include all people and not strictly hunters.The Kenyan buffalo is considered by many to be the most dangerous of the big five, reportedly causing the most hunter deaths, with wounded animals reported to ambush and attack pursuers.

Kenyan lion
The lion(Panthera leo) is a large carnivorous feline of Kenya having a short, tawny coat, a tufted tail, and in the male, a heavymanearound the neck and shoulders. Lions are desirable to hunters because of the very real danger involved. A lion may attack without provocation, and is considered by many to be the best of the big five.Lion hunting is challenging because of the habitat and temperament of the lion. Lions live in the savanna where tall grasses, shrubs, and bushes obscure them andprovide cover and camouflage. This thick undergrowth is commonly referred to as"jess". As lions are ambush hunters, they use this natural cover when stalking to creep as close as possible before making a final charge to catch their prey. Lions do not generally avoid confrontation, but will usually face a challenger. They are unpredictable and may charge when sufficiently annoyed or confronted by danger. These factors together make lion hunting a challenge to hunters.Lions are hunted by three methods: baiting, stalking, and hounding. The hunting method is dependent firstly on the law, then the number of lions in a given area, theterrain, and the preference and expertise of the professional hunter, or of the concession owner or hunting outfitter and the client.Baiting involves the hunter lying in wait in a natural or constructed blind. Prior to the lion hunt, a prey species is hunted beforehand for use as bait. The bait is then secured to a tree or secure structure in an area which is known to be frequented bylions; usually, this is close to a watering hole. The bait is checked regularly until signs indicate the carcass has been visited by a lion. Then a blind is constructed, usually 30–50 yd (27–46 m) from the bait, where the hunting party can remain concealed, usually from early evening until early morning of the next day.[11]Stalking involves driving along trails in areas where lions are known to inhabit. Once freshfæcesare sighted, the hunting party (which includes trackers) dismounts. The trackers follow tracks and spoor signs while scanning for the lion. When the lion is spotted, the professional hunter and client stalk in closely until they reach a good shooting position. Hunting lions by stalking is conducted in daylight hours when light is sufficient to spot the lion, which will usually be resting. Night stalking using electric light sources is banned in most countries. Lions hunted with lights may not be listed as trophies by Safari Club International.Hounding (the method least used today) uses dogs, and may include a fighting pack and a tracking pack. The hunting party drives through known lion territory until fresh spoor is spotted, when the dogs are released. The pack follows the scenttrail of the lion. Once the lion is encountered, the pack attempts to hold the lion at bay until the hunting party arrives to dispatch the lion. Like stalking, hounding is usually conducted during daylight hours. The lion usually stands and fights rather than flees.Many concessions in Kenya have been known to release captive lions intoenclosedareaswhere they may be hunted with or without the client's approval and/or knowledge. Sometimes, the lion is drugged to slow it down, making it an easier target.Many hunters and hunting organizations consider this unethical and an affront to fair-chase hunting practices.The lion has thin skin and does not require the use of a big-bore rifle.

Kenyan leopard
The leopard(Panthera pardus) is a large, carnivorous feline having either tawny fur with dark rosette-like markings or black fur. Of the big five, it is most difficult to acquire hunting licenses for leopards. The leopard is considered the most difficult of the big five to hunt because of their nocturnal and secretive nature. They are wary of humans and will take flight in the face of danger. The leopard is solitary by nature, and is most activebetween sunset and sunrise, although it may hunt during the day in some areas. Leopards can be found in the savanna grasslands, brush land and forested areas in Kenya Baiting, hounding, and stalking are the most common methods used to hunt the cat.Baiting is the method most often used to hunt leopard. This requires the finding and then following of spoor in an area known to be frequented by a leopard. Once a suitable area is located, a prey species is hunted and used as bait. Because of thenocturnal nature of the cat, the blind needs to be constructed close to the bait, as shooting will more than likely be during the night. The client and the professional hunter spend the night in the blind waiting for the leopard to come to the carcass.Hounding with dogs to hunt leopard requires the hunting party to locate an area where a leopard has been recently active, as in the baiting method. Once such an area is located, the dogs (usuallybloodhoundsorridgebacks) are released. The dogs attempt to pick up the scent and follow it to the leopard. The leopard usually flees from the loudly baying dogs and takes refuge in a tree or in an area out of their reach. The dogs hold the leopard at bay in this manner until the hunting party arrives to dispatch the leopard.Stalking is rarely used to hunt leopard, as it is extremely time-consuming and tedious, and has a very low success rate. A month-long hunt using the spot-and-stalk method may not be successful at even sighting a leopard.The male leopard is less than half the size of a male lion. The leopard is the smallest of the big cats, and rarely exceeds 200 lb (91 kg).A concerted effort has been made to stop the hunting of the African leopard due to its perceived rarity.

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