Latest Online Jobs For Students In Kenya To Earn Money (2018)

Are you a university, polytechnic, college or undergraduate student looking for how to make money online in Nigeria in 2018? Here are some of the latest online jobs for students in Nigeria that pays.Being broke can be very frustrating and annoying!

Below are ways which student can make extra income that will help them through their basic financial needs like travelling expenses, mobile recharges, buying textbooks, handouts etc.Here is the complete eye-opener guide for students who are searching for a part-time job online to start making money from their schools.Every student whether male or female can take this article as major guidance if he/she wants to have a part-time or full-time online career along with their studies.

List Of The Best Online Jobs For Students In Nigeria That Pays In 2018
1. BloggingBlogging is in fact, one of the best ways to earn money as a student.

What is blogging?A blog is a website that consists ofentries called posts that appear in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first, similar in format to a daily journal. Therefore,blogging is the act of writing a post on a blog.As a student, before you venture into blogging you need to first come up with an idea (a niche).What this means is, the area you want to build your blog around — your blog niche!If you look around, you will find different types of blogs focused ondifferent things in the area of technology, entertainment, school blogs, fashion and so much more.Here are few ideas that you may like.Start a news website. You can takethe news from TV. As soon as news appears on television, post it on your blog before anyone else does.You can also provide information services such as how to do things, how to repair stuff, review about new products etc.Blogging all begins with choosing aniche, immediately followed by creating the actual blog.

How will you get paid for blogging?Blogging has different monetisation method.You can choose to partner withPPCadvertising networks such as Google Adsense, Infolinks, Chitika and more. You can also opt to monetise your website or blog by selling direct advertising space on it.If you can make your blog so popular bydriving a lot of trafficto it, then selling advert space like Linda Ikeji would be easy.Things to remember?As a student, I do not expect you topublish articles every day, don’t let this affect your school activities. you should find a way to balance blogging and school because blogging requires frequent updating.You must structure your website in a way that your audience understand when you will be pushing out new articles.In addition, as a blogger do not build your blog around plagiarism (Stealing or copying other people’scontent). If you don’t refrain from that, you can be slapped withcopyright infringementor even penalised by Google, thus losing allyour organic rankings andtraffic.Here is what to do:Instead, write and create everythingon your website all by yourself in your own simple way of communicating. However, you can take an idea from blogs already existing on the internet and see how they craft their content.A quick advice for you: Don’t think of money for the first few months of blogging, focus to get average 1000 visitors daily. If you get that target you will get money as well.

2. SEO Jobs
SEO job is among the manydigital jobsout there.Becoming an SEO expert as a student means learning an improved variety of Search Engine Optimisation techniques to helpimprove a website search engine rank.

What is SEO?SEO is an acronym for “Search Engine Optimization.” And it’s a strategy used to get exposure, rankand drive organic traffic to your website via search engines.

You can start your own SEO company in Nigeria but before that,you need to understand what it takes.To start up an SEO company is a very tough task. You can become astudent entrepreneur if you know how the search engine works and how to ensure your client’s websites rank increases after optimisation.How to start an SEO business as a student in NigeriaStarting up an SEO job is not simple. You need to be very much defined by your core requirements, you need a process that works.To start up your own SEO companyand make it successful, you shouldfollow the checklist below:

1.Gather the necessary knowledge (Click here to register for our digital marketing training course)2.Use tools to gather more ideas3.Start getting clients4.OutsourceTo make your SEO business thrive in Nigeria, you have to understand the basics of website optimisation and ensure you’ve implemented what you are bragging about. Calling yourself thebest SEO company in Nigeriawill warrant you’re on top on Google search when prospective clients search for the highlighted keyword.

3. FreelancingFreelancing is one of the best online jobs for students and a better option compared to Blogging.A lot of people out there needs help solving or fixing one or two things in their business. We can’t deny that not all can afford the services of a professional company. A fewonline businessestoday just need someone who can carry out task faster and more effectively without breaking the bank.So why all this?In today’s world, many are looking for ways to save money and cut down expenses by hiring freelancers to execute a simple task.Imagine someone going to Google to search for “cheap graphic designer”?What this is indicating is, this folk is looking to employ a someone to help with the design.As a student, freelancing is just thebest alternative if you don’t have allthe patient for blogging.You can simply choose to be a freelancer!But first:Who is a freelancer?A freelancer is self-employed person offering services, usually to businesses and often to multiple clients at a time.So, let’s look through the most popular freelance jobs in Nigeria.*.Content writing jobs*.SEOjobs*.Email marketingjobs*.Virtual assistant jobs*.Graphic design jobs etc.How do you become a freelancer?The honest truth is, without the required skills, you can’t freelance. As a matter of fact, you can’t impress whoever is hiring you.So, how do you get all the skills needed?As a prospective freelancer, you have to look deep into yourself to know where your passion lies — is it content writing, Search Engine Optimisation, email marketing, graphics design and so one.Simply follow your passion and acquire the needed ability.

Where to get freelancing jobs in NigeriaThere are websites that connect verified freelancers to companies/small businesses/individuals that need your expertise to get things done quickly and cheaper.Here are some of the freelancing platforms you can get freelance jobs within Nigeria:1.ASUQU2.FindWorka3.Jo-Lancer4.Fiverr

4. Social Media JobsUtilising social media to its fullest potential can propel a business to the next level — if done the right way.Yet the world ofsocial media marketingis still new to many people and is constantly evolving especially in Nigeria.A lot of business owners today claim to be social media experts but, have persistently made thesesocial media mistakeswithout taking a look at the effect it has on their brand.Students have a habit of wasting precious time onFacebook,Twitter, Instagram etc. and that’s one of my reasons for mentioning this as one of the online jobs for students in Nigeria.Students in colleges, universities, polytechnics and other tertiary institutions in Nigeria must learn that social media marketing plays ahuge role in today’s marketing.Thus, those who have a knack for social media can leverage that medium, grow an exciting career and make money from it while in school.Entering the digital world can be intimidating to those looking to expand their online presence. For business owners who aren’t interested in handling social media marketing themselves, outsourcingis an option. And providing these social media services to other companies can be a business in itself.If you’ve ever thought about how tostart your own social media business, consider looking at existing social media companies inNigeria.These companies are social media management agencies and they basically specialise in maintaining the Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter andblog presence for other businesses. Sometimes, these such companies also assist other business owners with planningsocial media strategy.How to start a Social Media Marketing business as a student in NigeriaStarting up a Social Media Marketing business is not simple. You need to be very much defined by your core requirements, you need a process that works.To start up your own  Social Media Marketing company and make it successful, you should follow the checklist below:1.Gather the necessary knowledge (Click here to register for our digital marketing training course)2.Use tools to gather more ideas3.Start getting clients4.Outsource

Top 20 Most Lucrative Business In Kenya Today

Your business planning begins with an ideaand that is one of the things we know how to give best on this site – ideas and plenty of them. Are you thinking about starting a business in Kenya but don’t know where to start from or which business to invest your money into to make profit? Here are top 20 most lucrative businesses in Kenya you can invest your money into and be sureof making millions back in no time.

This list of business ideas in Kenya is made up of authentic business ideas, not just some randomly selected junk businesses, they are time tested, carefully selected, high performing businesses you can stake your hard earned capital on and be sure of making profit. These businesses are up to date and relevant in 2016 and beyond. But before we proceed, I want us to look at some of the vital reasons you must start a business in Kenya today.

Why You Must Start A Business In Kenya Now
The reasons why Kenya are fleeing their own land that is flowing with milk and honey to scavenge in another lands that does not have half of the opportunities we have here is simply difficult to explain. Why would Kenya leave themassive business opportunities in their land and choose to travel far and wide to slave, leaving the wealth back home for South Africans, Lebanese, Indians, Chinese, even Egyptians to plunder?Most of the currentfastest growing businesses and companies in Kenya are owned by the foreigners. We want the equation to change, go through theinfograph below, see why Kenya is the Africa’s testing ground for businessand begin to take the opportunity.Now that you are ready to go, click on any of the business ideas and further read the detail about the particular business of interest. Andin case you need additional help, you can drop your question or comment under this article or any of the respective articles for further expatiation.

List Of Top 20 Most Lucrative Business In Kenya
1.Agriculture This is the next revolutionary industry in Kenya where millionaires are currently being made. Kenya both home and oversea are beginning to wake up to the huge potentials in Agribusiness, a sector we have been neglecting over the years due to the discovery of oil. Now that the oil is drying up, people are beginning to look into other sectors of the economy to create wealth. Below are some of thefarming in Kenya that are serious making profit for people now:-

Poultry FarmingThis business is making average Nigerians rich. It is so lucrative thateven outsiders are coming in to invest in poultry farming the business in Nigeria. And why not, In a country of more than 150 million people, what would you expect? If you start with 1,000 birds and manage your poultry farm properly, when the turnover on investment begins to come, youwill be making millions annually.Cassava ProductionPeople are beginning to turn their attention to this aspect of farming in Nigeria that have been neglectedfor years. Cassava derived foods are some of the most consumed inNigeria. If you can invest in cultivating 50 – 100 Acre in a fertilearea like Ondo State, your harvest will be great.Snail RearingSnail farming is one of the choice Animal farming for many reasons. It is a low capital investment with high yield and the market is big. There are few people currently doing this – and most of them are doing it in a very low scale. If someone invest heavily in Snail farming, he is sure to make good money in Millions within a year.Rice FarmingRice remains the most consumed food staple in Nigeria and Billions of dollars goes into importation of this product yearly from China and Thailand because the local farmer are unable to meet up the demand due to poor funding and limited knowledge. Anyone who have a million dollar to invest should get in touch and partner with me with 100% return. $1,000,000 =$2,000,000 guaranteed.2.Sale of FurnitureBuying and selling of Locally make furniture is a goldmine. You don’t need to be a carpenter to do this, just arrange for regular supply from reliable Carpenters while you display and sale in your showroom. It is a very big businessin Nigeria as only few can afford the imported designers.3.Making of Fruit JuiceNigerians drink fruit juice more than any other people. That’s why companies likeLa CarcellaandChivitawho came into the country as nobody are today making billions of naira annually. This business in capital intensive but if you can afford it, it’s well worth it.4.Pure Water ProductionYou know how popular this is in Nigeria and how many that are dispensed daily. Though this business is capital intensive but well worth investing into, especiallyif you can manage it properly with professionalism.5.Oil and Gas BusinessWe are blessed and cursed with huge deposit of oil in our land which presents some of the finest business opportunity for Nigerians and Foreigners.Owning a Petrol Filling Station,Supplying of Diesel, andDistribution of Keroseneare some the areas you can invest easily and make good money for yourself.Petroleum product marketinghave been making millions for people and creating millionaires in Nigeria for years.SEE ALSO:How To Become A Player In The Nigerian Oil And Gas Sector6.Haulage ServicesThe cost of taking a truck from oneplace to the other in Nigeria is between N20,000 to N200,000 per trip. Due to poor rail transport system, most of the Nigerian goods are transported through the road, making haulage business in Nigeria a viable one.Petroleum products haulageand movement of goods from manufacturers and importers are the aspect of haulage in Nigeria that is very lucrative now.7.Hotel BusinessThis is probably the coolest moneymaking opportunity in Nigeria. Invest in small scale hotel of just 10 suites and watch as the money flows in. This has nothing to do with tourism boom of any kind; there is just something in Nigerians system that make this business very lucrative – Nigeriansare jolly people!8.Fast Food EateryEatery business is another goldmine though poor management can kill it death! If you wish to go into this business, be sure to get everything right and don’t forget it’s a bit capital intensive and requires good management skills. But if you get everything right, free money is yours.9.Importation Of Tokunbo Spare PartsIf you are in USA, Germany, or Denmark, this business is especially good for you. Don’t just keep importing exotic cars, gather tokunbo spare parts in containers and ship it down to Nigeria. There is huge market for used (tokunbo) spare parts in Nigeria.10.Investing in PropertyProperty appreciate everyday in Nigeria. Right now, Nigeria is one the countries in the world where landed property is most expensive.If you buy land now anywhere in Lagos, you are sure to make 100% profit within two years. You can buy and quickly resell and make profit. Or you buy keep and sell later.11.Dry CleaningProfessional dry cleaners at affordable prices are scarce in Nigeria. What we have are professional Dry Cleaners whose service fees are extremely high or mediocre dry cleaners who can never keep with time. Give them cloths today and meet it unwashedafter one week. This business is a money maker if you balance it up.12.Professional Car WashThis business is good if you can set it up in a strategic location in a place like Lagos where there are good number of cars. You.13.Sales Of Building MaterialsThe rate at which new houses are springing up in Nigeria, you get to wonder why many people still complain of housing problem. Investing in building material is a good business in Nigeria. I can count some guys who are making millions almost daily in this business.14.Transport BusinessWhat we have in this sector of the economy is transport companies badly managed by local chiefs and touts. Invest in this business with good management and you will be wondering what hits you with bags of money. See:How to start a taxi company in Nigeria15.Nursery And Primary SchoolSchool business has no rival among it’s mate. My little kids school fees take away close to a million naira per term just to learn ABC! School business in any level is a serious business in Nigeria that generate millions of naira.16.Exporting Of Raw MaterialsThere is no better way to grow the economy than to exporting some of the raw materials that are abundant in the country.
17.Online Advertising AgencyAs the Nigeria’s online presence keeps increasing, so is its advertisers. Thousands of businesses in Nigeria are taking their business online to leverage the massive community of Nigerian internet users and market their products. This influx has created another business opportunity in Nigeria for savvy digital marketing experts. You too can setup your own online advertising agency in Nigeria todayand make millions.18.Fashion BusinessNigerian people are probably someof the trendiest people in the world.Fashion designers are becoming millionaires on daily basis in Nigeria, thanks to the  revolution in the Nigerian fashion business orchestrated by the boom in the entertainment industry in Nigeria.19.Media And Show BizYou and knows Nigeria is the capital of entertainment in Africa? You also knows Nigeria is the highest consumers of media content in Africa? Now you can see how viable and lucrative mediaandshow bizcan be in Nigeria.20.Investing In Internet CompaniesThis is a new crop of investment opportunity that is creating Billionaires around the world including Nigeria. It is simple. You don’t have to be a Tech person, look for a creative online tech startup with good ideas and invest.Within 1 to 2 years you will be counting your profits in millions.Our number one goal has been to share business ideas freely and encourage fellow Nigerians to startbusiness of their own. Thisinvestment planis designed for those who really know how to take advantage of opportunity. Don’t let the money sit in the bank for nothing, we can help you make 100% profit on your money.

The most important thing is that you do something with your money. Pick one of these businesses and start today. Keeping your money in the bank where they will use it for business and give you nothing is not wise.

50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Kenya for 2018

Do you want tostart a business in Kenya With low capital? If YES,here are 50 best small scale business ideas & investment opportunities in Kenya for 2018.Starting a business isn’t a luxury but a necessity for anyone whose aim in life is to make good money and become a millionaire fast in Kenya. This is one of the reasons why you have got to look at starting a business in Nigeria. The ground is so fertile and there are loads of people to patronise.

50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2018
.Raw Food Stuff Business
This is one profitable business that can bring in good returns on investment in Kenya. Kenya are people who love to eat more homemade foods than the fast foods, unlike their foreign counterparts. Things like rice, beans, , amongst other things are what would be sold.

1.Call Card Business
This type of business is also known as the recharge card business. There is hardly any adult In Kenya who doesn’t own a phone. This is one of the reasons why those in the recharge card business are doing so well. You too can join the train as you begin to tap into the market.

1.Daycare Business
There will always be the need to make a living even after giving birth. This is one of the reasons why day care centers make good money. The services they render is second to none and is indispensable. If you have a penchant for babies and kids, then you can consider starting a day care center.

1.Dry Cleaning Business
This is one of the fastest growing businesses in Kenya. A lot of people have done really well in this business and still are doing well. There are a lot of people who are too overwhelmed by work that they may not have the time to wash their clothes. Therefore, you may want to look into starting a cry cleaning business.

1.Restaurant Business
In Kenya, the restaurant business have always been on the rise. This means that it doesn’t go out of fashion. If you think that you are a great cook, you can start a restaurant business. You will be required to do a lot in the area of cooking very great meals.

1.Car Rental Business
Cars all over the world isn’t a luxury but a necessity. There are times however when some people may be in need of car services. This is where a car rental business comes to fore. Be Sure you understudy an expert who can make you learn all the ropes within time.

1.Bakery Business
People all over the world love to eat baked things. Kenya is one of them. Before you start out it is vital garner all the necessary information that you will need along the line. You will need to go to a school that offers baking services if need be. You will need other things too to get started

.1.Hamper Business
In Kenya, there are seasons when the hamper trade is really an all-time high. If you know you have the knack for gifts, then you can look into starting a hamper business. You will need to decide if you want to deal in already assembled hampers, or if you want to be the one assembling it.

1.Film Production Business
This is one of the fastest growing film industries in the world. Every often block buster movies are being churned out and those who are the helms of affair when it comes to film production are doing all they can to see that great movies are produced. You too can join the bandwagon when you start a film production business. You do not need any qualification to join the train

.1.Graphics Design Business
If you are arts inclines and are looking for an arts related business to start, then you can look into the graphics design business. One of the good things about this business is that you can acquire the skills that is involved from the scratch and then expand on what you have learnt

1.Phone Repair Business
There is hardly any adult who doesn’t have a phone in Kenya. This only goes to show that the phone business and other businesses surrounding it is really a worthwhile one. You can garner the phone repair skills so that you can delve into the huge market that is in existence.

1.Gym Business
Fitness has always been a source of concern to Americans, and Kenyans have also caught the bug. This is because of the high rate of cancer that continues to ravage people. If you are a fitness and health enthusiast, then you can look towards starting a gym related business. You will need to have enough finance to equip your gym center.

1.Wine Bar Business
From clubs, to restaurants and even in homes, wine is usually consumed. If you know that you are a wine connoisseur, or are in love with wine, then you can look into starting a wine bar business?You have to make sure that the location you choose for this business is a good and promisingone.

1.Internet Radio Business
If you are interested in going into the internet radio business, then you should be conversant with the fact that it is a different kettle of fish from the traditional radio business – especially as the source for your internet radio business is a computer. Before starting this business, you should know what topics you would need to discuss to appeal to your target market, and what kinds of business you would be concentrating on.

1.Transport Business
The population in Kenys is huge and a lot of people are looking fora good living. People move from one spot to another to make ends meet. You can be the problem solver bystarting a transport business. Before you start, you will need to determine if you want an interstate service or an intra-state shuttle.

1.Jewellery Line Business
Sourcing for materials to use for your jewellery line business will mean you looking for reliable suppliers and getting your materials in bulk so as to cut down on overhead cost, and make your jewellery affordable. You would also need to create an inventory system for your materials so that you could be alerted when they run low

.1.Mobile car wash Business
Mobile auto car wash eliminates the need for a physical business location, therefore limiting start-up costs considerably. Start a mobile car detailing business with inexpensive supplies and tools and grow as needs arise. As a mobile detailer, you will perform jobs in customer parking lots, driveways and garages, giving you the advantage of visibility for marketing purposes. The downside includes not being able to work outdoors in inclement weather and the limitations of having to travel with all necessary tools and supplies, including large quantities of water

.1.Party Rental Business
A party rental business is indeed a good way to make extra money and in the long run can turn into alucrative, full-time business. People love to have party in Kenya, and there are times when some party rentals might not giveone what they want. You can bridge the gap by starting a party rental business.

1.Pizza Delivery business
Starting a pizza delivery business is a profitable business venture, and can yield a high profit margin for any entrepreneur who is serious about the business. With pizza, you get to be creative as well as learn how to cook. You would also need to be as creativeas your mind can possibly conceive; pizzas come with different options such as chicken pizzas, Hawaiian pizzas, Italian sausage pizzas, barbecue pizzas,as well as other traditional cheese, and hamburger pizzas.

1.Nursing Home Business
Home nursing businesses are a growing field with increasing demand driven by an aging population. Today’s health care offers more forms of surgeries, interventions, and elective procedures–often leaving patients needing temporary homenursing care.In addition, members of the elderly population who don’t wantto leave their homes for an assisted living facility or nursing home often elect ongoing home nursing care. For an entrepreneurlooking to get into the home nursing market, establishing the business is usually more challenging than finding a customer base.

1.Poultry farm Business
Starting a poultry farm might appear easy but starting it as a business too is something entirely different. This means thatyou are not only just a chicken farmer but an entrepreneur as well. Starting this business you would need to define your target market. And the part of the chicken industry you intend to go into. The chicken industry has two main parts; Layers, where thechickens bred also lay or produceeggs, or Broilers, where chicken are bred mainly for meat.

1.Cosmetics Business
If you love beauty, then going intothe cosmetics business is one of your bet. For you to do really well in this business, you will need to engage in some deep research. Why is this important? This is important because you will need to learn new things about the cosmetics industry that will help your business.

1.Microfinance Business
If you have the capital or are sure to get well-meaning partners to float your microfinance business,then you can look at starting a microfinance business. You have to have a good business plan to do this. A business plan will help you know what and what to do per time.

1.Tailoring Business
The art of tailoring have been in existence from time immemorial. This means that it didn’t just startrecently. If you have an eye for fashion, then you can begin to work on delving into the tailoring industry. One of the good things about this trade is the fact that you will beautify people for a fee.

1.Insurance Agency Business-:The idea of creating a niche to grow your book of business for insurance agents is certainly not a new idea. However, It is often heard from insurance agents wanting to find their niche market, but unsure of where to start.

1.Tomato Farming Business
Starting a tomato farming business is a rewarding business that is not too expensive to start up. However, before you start your tomatoes business, find out what kind of tomatoes people usually want. This information can be gotten from those who supply seeds, as they will be able to tell you what is popular and what isn’t. Also, they will let you know the varieties that sell well; however, you will also need to ensure that the seeds you finally pick will grow well in your climate.

1.Wood working Business
Starting a woodworking businessis a great way to turn a hobby youenjoy into a money-making venture. Wood items are popular and make great decorations and gifts. But Starting a woodworking business involves more than creating wooden objects. It requires research and planning particularly in marketing and business management.

1.Agricultural Business
If you think that the idea of starting a commercial farming business goes down well with you, then you can start an agric related business. One of the things that you should have at theback of your mind when you wantto start this business is the fact that you have to first of all come up with the crops that move pretty well in the market.

1.Fish farming Business
Delving into the fish farming business means that you must have knowledge about the business. Why is this important you just might ask? This is especially important because youdo not want to come across as a dullard who is in business. You can start out by carrying out a thorough research on the internet.

1.Organic farming Business
A lot of people because of health reason are opting for only organicproducts.  These products take time to mature unlike the hybrid counterpart. If you have a penchant for healthy living, you may then consider starting an organic farm business.

1.Shipping Company
The major factor that encouragesto venture into this industry is its viability as a profitable venture. The lucrative nature of the industry is unparalleled and it’s indeed one of the few industries in the world which has the highest number of turnover in terms of profit and otherwise.

1.Real estate Investment Business
Real estate investment is a very attractive avenue for wealth building, as there are few other business opportunities where the potential for income is so high.  However, it can be a very risky endeavor to step out on your ownand jump into a volatile market.  Navigating the financial and legal issues surrounding real estate investment can be an incredible hassle.  Still, thousands of peopleare doing it every day and the smart ones are coming out on top.

1.Electronics Repair Business
To start an electric repair business is simple and you will need to learn all the ropes. An electric repair business has unlimited profit potential and a low start-up cost. This industry boasts of a lot of people who have done really well for themselves. In Kenya, people have continued to require the services of an electrician.

1.Courier Service Business
There is a lot to be tapped from when you start a courier service business. What is more, there is alot of profit in this business. If you think this is a type of business that you want to start, then you must first and foremost get all your facts together. After you have done that, then be sure to write a business plan to guide you as you start out

1.Freelance Writing Business
It’s very possible to become either a full-time freelance writer earning a living, or to be a part-time freelancer supplementing a regular paid income. Another role is to simply do it for fun or to build up a broader portfolio of skills. In this article, you’ll get the basics on what it takes to ease your way into freelance writing as a career or to be put properly, turn your writing hobby into a career that doesn’t affect your day job.

1.Motherless Children’s Home Business
Homeless kids will always seek for refuge in places where they are accepted. This is one of the reasons why you can start a motherless kid’s home. This of course will float as a nongovernmental organization, but in the process you will make your own profit and get a reward for reaching out to the needy people.

1.Arts and Crafts Business.If you have ever had a heart to heart  business talk with a business expert, chances are thatyou may have been intimated on the  point that being wealthy isn’t about  working and earning wages at the end of the week or month. It is about having various streams of income. Being wealthy and successful is no child’s play at all. As a matter of fact being wealthy has a lot to do with how many businesses you have and how much profit you are able to rake in after a period.

1.Clothing Store
The clothing store (boutique) industry comprises of small retailstores that sells a limited range of clothing and accessories. The industry is defined as single-establishment stores only. Clothing stores (boutiques) can be strictly designer based (i.e.only one designer’s collection is sold there), or they may sell a mixof designers’ labels (brands) that are specifically catered to the local market.

1.Chiropractic Business
There are several businesses thatrevolve around medicine. This means that if you have the penchant for going into a medicalrelated business, then you may want to consider the chiropractic business. This trade has been in existence for centuries. You may want to consider this business byfirst learning all that needs to be learnt before venturing into the trade. This is o that you are not found wanting in any area.

1.Pest Control Business
If you are thinking of starting a business that can guarantee you steady income, then one of your options is to consider starting pest control business. Pest control businesses is a business that is involved in removing or eradicating potentially harmful insects, rodent and reptiles from, farms, commercial and residential properties. These daysmore than ever before in the world, more and more people are conscious of eradicating things that might bring ill health to them.So you will find that it is a very good business to start.

1.Screen Printing Business
The screen printing business is some kind of business that anyone who wishes to make good money from should look up to. This is because of the level of profit that can be acquired in this trade. If you are looking to start this business, then you have to besure that you have ample time to learn the trade.  One of things that will make you stand out in this venture is the level of know- how that you exhibit.

1.Gaming Business
There are a lot of people who lovegames. This should be one of the things that should drive you. Starting a gaming business requires that you first lean the ropes from those who have gone before you. After you have done that, then you can begin to look athow to set your own business up.

1.Fabric Business
The fabric business is a very wideone in Kenya as there are loads and loads of variety of fabrics. Before you begin to look at starting operation, you have to be sure that someone who is alreadydoing well in the business is able to mentor you. Mentoring is important so that you can start out well.

1.Auto-Repair Shop
All over the globe, the auto repair business is such that is important. This is because of the need to have cars fixed. One of the things that must be done before even commencing this type of business is learning all that is required to be known in theauto repairs business. This means that you will be required togo and garner some good skills inthis light.

1.Aquaponics Business
If you have been looking to start abusiness that is agriculture related, then you may want to consider starting an aquaponics business. This is one area of trade that sure can guarantee good returns on your investment. However, just before you begin tobuild this business, it becomes expedient that you garner all the knowledge and skills that you are required to, so that you do not start out on the wrong footing.

1.Funeral Home business
If you are in need of a business that will always provide services that would never go into extinction, then delving into the funeral home business should be a business you need to consider. Although most people would rather do some other form of businesses rather than opt for funeral business because of its delicate and emotional nature. However, fact remains that this business is a money spinner and it will always stand the test of time.

1.Pizza business
Pizzas can make a pleasant meal. In fact there are people who are addicted to it. They couldhave it over and over again. This is why those who are in the business have continued to makegood money. Opening a pizza business might be one of the bestmoves to make. This is hinged onthe fact that there are a whole lot of people who are into the consumption of it. Starting a pizza business doesn’t cost a fortune, as you can start with some small amount of cash and then grow with it.

1.Solar panel repair business
The solar panel repair business isn’t for everyone. This is because it has a very technical aspect that requires lot of patience and handwork. If you do not have a penchant for technology, then you may want tolook elsewhere. However, if you do have a passion then you will excel in this trade.

1.Consignment Business
The consignment business dates back from time immemorial.  It is a very profitable business that can guarantee nearly a 100 percent profit. It is pretty easy to start and it doesn’t require an expertise. All you need to do is have zeal to want to pursue the business.

1.Cupcake Business-:There arecake addicts all over the globe and Kenya isn’t left out/. As a matter of fact it is one of the countries where cakes are consumed. Therefore the American market would serve a great m

1.Boutique Business-:
Despite the hardship that may loom in Kenya, people just love to look good. You can therefore,cash in on this and start a boutique business. You will need to determine where the things you want to deal in would be sourced from.

List of Tour Companies in Kenya for Climbing Kilimajaro

Want to visit Mount Kilimanjaro?Below is a list of tour companies that
will make your trip to mount Kilimanjaro memorable
1.Tiger Tours and Expeditions.
2.Kilele Afrika Ltd, they operate group treks every February,June & July
3.Ahsante Tours--a fantastic Tanzanian-run outfit. They have regularly
scheduled group climbs throughout the year.
Kilimanjaro safaris
4.Face of Africa Adventures
5.Lets Go Mount Kenya .Check their website. www.letsgomount
6.Right Time Safaris
7.Koochi Adventures
You can check their websites or social media pages to contact them

How to Bake a Cake Using the Double Sided /chapati Pan.

This is very fast and efficient way to bake a cake.
Below is the procedure of baking using a double sided pan.
1.Prepare your cake batter.
11/2 cups of all purpose flour
With the same cup measure 1/2 cup of oil
I tablespoon cinnamon powder
1 tablespoon vanilla essence
1tablespoon baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
2.Oil your pan and pour in your batter.
3.Put your CHAPATI pan on fire
4.Evenly pour salt on it to act as the insulation which will heat up
the double pan.
5.Put moderate heat.Not high nor low.
6.Pour your batter into the double grill pan.
7.Now put the double grill pan on top of the Chapati pan which has salt.
8.Bake until when you insert a toothpick,it comes out clean.
7.Flip it to evenly bake the top side.It may take about 30minutes.
Enjoy your cake.