Simple Home Remedy for Acne Scars

Tumeric face mask
● 1 tsp Tumeric powder
● 1 tbsp honey
Mix well then apply to face and neck. Let sit on face for 15-30 minutes. Then with wet fingerz massage your face in circular motions for about three minutes then rinse off with cool water. As Tumeric stains, you may be left with yellow stains on your face especially in the creases and hairline, you can use a scarf around your hairline to protect it. As for the rest of the face, you can use your cleanser and a soft microfiber cloth to wash the remaining color off. If this still doesn't help use a toner with some cotton balls to wipe it off or half of a lemon, apply on your face in circular motions then rinse off. Please note that you MAY still be left with staining but it will not be as noticeable.
Next tone your face, I use a DIY toner as well. Three parts Apple Cider Vinegar and one parts water. To start with you can start with 1 part ACV and 1 part water and reduce the amount of water as you get used to it sincr ACV doesn sting. Avoid the area around the eyes due to irritation.
Then moisturize. I use Aloe Vera Gel

Best Natural Hair Practices To Help Increase Length and Grow Long Hair

Afro-textured hair grows about 6 inches per year (yap!) so it is possible to grow it long. Retaining length is normally the issue coz our hair is fragile. The secret is caring for the hair that is furthest from your scalp because this is the most fragile. To care for it, moisturize your hair regularly and deep condition often. Detangle gently while your hair is wet. Work in sections using your fingers to take out knots before using combs. Detangling manages knots which cut hair. Massage your scalp regularly to encourage blood flow to the scalp.Take advantage of home-made products like black tea, green tea, rice water, or vinegar rinses which soften and strengthen hair. These products work and there are several tutorials on YouTube that you could follow. Don't be afraid to trim once every 6 months to remove split ends. Don't wear your hair down every day of the year. Instead, use protective styles. Last but not least, commit to your hair-care routine and you'll be looking at a minimum of 6 inches in the next year! All the best

Top 4 Reasons you Should Start Drinking Infused Water This Year

Why drink infused waters?
1. Green tea, mint, and lime - For fat burning, digestion, headaches, congestion and breath freshener.
2. Strawberry and kiwi - For cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation, digestion.
3. Cucumber, lime, and lemon - For water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration, digestion
4. Lemon, lime, and orange - For digestion vitamin C, immune defense, heartburn, (Drink this one at room temperature)
Infused waters are good for detoxification energy and hydration. Put as much fruit in water as you like and let the water sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking.
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Hydrotherapy: How to Make A Herbal Bath

Herbal Baths
Learn how to draw an herbal bath and which herbs make the best bathing partners. Try an herbal foot bath, too.
The restorative power of water — from the ancient Greek and Roman bath to the modern jacuzzi — has been undeniable. A good soak can cleanse, soften, and nourish the skin, rejuvenate a tired body and spirit, and address sore and aching muscles. By adding herbs to your tub, you can customize and boost the effectiveness of bath time. So next time you draw a bath for yourself — or for your child or your partner — include a selection of herbs.
Drawing an Herbal Bath
Choose one of these easy methods to prepare an herbal bath:
The word for medicinal bathing — thalassotherapy or hydrotherapy — comes from the Greek philosopher Thales, who believed that everything is derived from water. The Greek word thalassa means "small sea."
Wrap herbs in a muslin bag, cheesecloth, or a piece of clean cotton. Tie to the bathtub spigot and run the water through the herbs.
Make an infusion by pouring a couple cups of boiling water over about half a cup of dried herbs (loose, or in a muslin bag). Steep, covered, for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and pour into your bathwater. (If you use a bag for the herbs you can use the bag to scrub with, too.)
Make a decoction by adding about half a cup of herbs to about 2 cups of cold water. Bring to a boil. Simmer, covered, for about 15 to 20 minutes, then strain and add to bathwater. Decoctions are good for roots and woody herbs.
Add the herbs directly to your bathwater. Place a fine mesh strainer in the drain, though, to avoid clogging the pipes. (And you may want to rinse off afterwards!)
Best Bathtime Herbs
Choose one or a handful of herbs from the following groups, depending on the desired effect. Remember to include something aromatic!
Soothers, Tonics and Fresheners
agrimony herb, calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, mugwort herb, rosemary leaf, sage leaf, thyme leaf
Tip: Add a bit of oatmeal to your herbal blend to further soften and cleanse your skin.
agrimony herb, burdock root, chamomile flowers, comfrey leaf, elder flowers, hop flowers, hyssop herb, jasmine flowers, lavender flowers, lemon balm, linden flowers, marjoram leaf, marshmallow root, meadowsweet herb, mugwort herb, mullein leaf, passion flower herb, rose petals, sage leaf, sassafras root bark, slippery elm bark, valerian root, vervain herb
angelica root, basil leaf, bay leaf, comfrey leaf, eucalyptus leaf, fennel seeds, lavender flowers, lemon balm, lemon peel, lemon verbena, lovage root, marjoram leaf, meadowsweet herb, nettle leaf, peppermint leaf, rosemary leaf, sage leaf, savory leaf, spearmint leaf, thyme leaf
I enjoy the softening effects of a milk bath. Can I incorporate herbs?
Sure. Simply infuse the herbs in warm milk for several hours, then pour into the bathwater.
What’s the best temperature for an herbal bath?
That depends on whom you ask and what the desired effect is. Some experts suggest that the most healthful baths are a warm room temperature, about 70 to 85 degrees. Others suggest that body-temperature water, around 98 degrees, is most soothing. If you're interested in loosening tense muscles and relaxing, you may opt for a warmer soak (not over 106 degrees), but don’t stay in too long or you’ll exhaust yourself and dry your skin. (Hot baths are not recommended for the very young, very old, or those with heart conditions or high blood pressure.) To close pores and energize after a bath, you might rinse in a cool shower. If it’s bedtime you’re after though, don’t break the warm spell; simply dry off and snuggle in.
How can I give myself an herbal foot bath?
Simply make an infusion or decoction of herbs and pour into a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for half an hour or so, then pat dry and moisturize. Follow with a foot massage, for maximum effect. Good herbs for a footbath include agrimony, alfalfa leaf, burdock root, eucalyptus leaf, lavender flowers, mustard seeds, peppermint leaf, sage leaf, and wormwood herb. For a relaxing treat

5 Safety Tips Women Must Know and Can Use To Protect Themselves

1) What should a woman do if she finds herself alone in the company of a strange male as she enters a lift in a high-rise apartment or building late at night?
Experts say: Enter the lift. If you need to reach the 13th floor, press all the buttons up to your destination. No one will dare attack you in a lift that stops on every floor.
2) What to do if a stranger tries to attack you when you are alone in your house, run into the kitchen.
Experts say: You alone know where the chili powder and turmeric are kept. And where the knives and plates are. All these can be turned into deadly weapons. If nothing else, start throwing plates and utensils all over. Let them break. Scream. Remember that noise is the greatest enemy of a molester. He does not want to be caught.
3) Taking a Taxi at Night.
Experts Say: Before getting into an auto at night, note down its registration number. Then use the mobile to call your family or friend and pass on the details to them in the language the driver understands .Even if no one answers your call, pretend you are in a conversation. The driver now knows someone has his details and he will be in serious trouble if anything goes wrong. He is now bound to take you home safe and sound. A potential attacker is now your de facto protector!
4) What if the driver turns into a street he is not supposed to and you feel you are entering a danger zone?
Experts say: Use the handle of your purse or your stole to wrap around his neck and pull him back. Within seconds, he will feel choked and helpless. In case you don’t have a purse or stole just pull him back by his collar. The top button of his shirt would then do the same trick.
5) If you are stalked at night.
Expert Say: enter a shop or a house and explain your predicament. If it is night and shops are not open, go inside an ATM box. ATM centers always have close circuit television. Fearing identification, no one will dare attack you.
After all, being mentally alert is the greatest weapon you can ever have.
Please forward to all the women you care about to spread awareness as this is the least we can do for a social & moral cause and for the safety of our women.