After buying a modem one can sometimes  get tired with the high prices of a particular network and you are then forced to buy another modem from another network inorder to browse cheaply.This can be expensive for the ordinary kenyan.There is good news however since you don’t need to buy another modem.
There is a greater? option, which? is to get your modem unlocked.Once your modem is unlocked, then you will be able? to use different Sim cards from different networks (i.e Zain,Yu, Safaricom and Orange) in Kenya.A lot of people take advantage of poor Kenyans and charge so much for unlocking a modem but the good news is that you can now unlock your modem absolutely free and use it with any sim card.You can unlock your modem for free using various instructions provided by fellow Kenyans online.To unlock your modem visit one of this sites for free instructions
If you are not able to unlock your modem by yourself using the instructions from the above sites then you can let someone do it for you free of charge by joining the beloe facebook pages and groups and the unlock code will be sent to you
With the help above you can now sit back and smile that you unlocked your modem free and saved your money